Bus Service from Lerwick to Fetlar
It is possible but complicated to travel by bus from Lerwick to Fetlar. This is because of the need to connect to the ferry services across the Yell and Bluemull sound.
For bus services out with Fetlar please visit the ZetTrans website.
Dial A Ride on Fetlar
To book Tel. 01595 745745 by 16.30 the day before travel.
Funzie Through to Fetlar Ferry
This service must be booked by 16.30 the day before travel (by 16.30 on Friday for service over the weekend).
The 'Funzie through to Fetlar ferry' service operates to link in with ferries and onward transport. This includes ferries leaving Fetlar and also the associated ferry services into Fetlar. Please note pick up times in Fetlar will be from 15 – 30 minutes prior to ferry departure time, depending on where in Fetlar your pickup point is.
You can now also book this service to travel between two points in Fetlar along the route e.g., Funzie to Houbie.
Funzie to Hamars Ness service, only Funzie, Houbie and Hamars Ness are listed, other pick-up points are available on request.
The full bus timetables for the North Isles and Fetlar are available here.
Fetlar service is No.29; it is shown as "DAR" on the timetable to indicate that it requires forward booking.